Thursday, October 11, 2007


Equilibrium is a film which delves into the dangers of conformatism. It is set in 2026. A man known only as The Father has created an apparent utopia that has no anger, rage,murder or war for everyone who follows him. He has created an antidote for human emotion and anyone who does not conform with his way of thinking and refuse to take the antidote are incinerated alive. Christian Bale plays Preston, the ultimate fighting machine who works for The Father and has no problem destroying anyone who feels or anything that may stimulate human emotion(e.g music and puppies). But when his partner is incinerated for having emotions, he at first, subconscienely stops taking the antidote and once he regains his emotions he knows he must never take the antidote again. He now knows he must stop The Father, but there is many people in his way, including his new partner. Bascilly, its the Matrix,except with more guns
****Four star

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