Monday, October 8, 2007

The Shining

The Shining is a powerfull film which delves into the minds of a completely isolated family- a mother, a father and a son. Jack Nicholson does a great job(as usual) playing Jack, an author who takes the position of a caretaker of a hotel that closes at winter and is isolated throughout christmass. He takes the position of the caretaker because he wants some peace and quiet to write his next book. He also brings along his family. As the film progress's the past of the hotel is slowly revealed-what happened to the last caretaker and his family. The title of the film comes from the power the son, Danny, has called the shining, which is a form of telepathy. Eventually, Jack gets very paranoid and starts hallucanating, but its not really hallucanations at all and he is instead talking with spirits who once stayed or worked at the hotel. The past occupants of the hotel convince Jack to try and murder his family and thats when the fun really starts. The Shining is one motherfuckin' freaky film. An interesting trivia you might not of known- The Shining was based on a Stephen King novel and directed by Stanley Kubrick. The interesting fact is that King was not happy with Kubrick's adaption because he changed the ending, King was so irratated that he also made a film of The Shining a few years later which completely bombed.
Nudy raying- do not watch this film for nudity, there is nudity, but its the kind of nudity that will turn your stomach
***** five star
Nudy rating- do not watch this film for nudity, there is one scene with female nudity that will turn your stomach.

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